We are a 501(c)(3) organization that is an outgrowth of a 1976 Citizens' Conference on Public Health. Conference participants expressed a strong need for citizen participation in public health and recommended the formation of a group or organization to promote citizens' involvement. Thus the North Carolina Citizens for Public Heath was born.
Past Accomplishments
Initiated and supported North Carolina Public Health Month, the first in the country, now nationally.
Served as the catalyst for the organization of the Association of North Carolina Boards of Health, Inc. (ANCBH) and the NC Alliance for Public Health.
Represented citizens to state and local policy makers on public health issues like separating environmental health from public health, modifying the criteria for state health director and maintaining board of health education.
Presented public health information on budgets, both operational and facilities, and board health continuation among other topics to state and local policy makers.
Monitored health-related state and federal legislation and supported legislative priorities of NC Division of Public Health, NCPHA, LHD, ANCBH, SPH and Care 4 Carolinas.
Served in an advisory capacity to public health programs and related organization such as the Institute of Medicine Task Force on Dental Care Access, Project ASSIST, Infant Mortality Task Force, NC Committee for Dental Health and several legislative public health study commissions.
In 2017, NCCPH received from the Southern Health Association the Howell Special Meritorious Service to Public Health Award. This award is to be presented to an individual, a group of individuals or organization to honor outstanding and continuous service to, involvement with and support of public health particularly in the field of prevention.